Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Electility Leads to Gemini

So the election happened yesterday here, and the Conservatives now will have a minority government. In my district a Conservative, Monte Solberg, won (encumbant) by another slim margin. I believe a recount is under way. Below is a poll I envisioned to see who people voted for, but after I accidently submitted it prematurely with only one option I didn't have the heart to change it. You might think I am trying to be clever and make a point about something, but you would be wrong. Behold Shruggle's first and perhaps last poll.

Edit - It looks like it might make you look at some stupid advertisement when you look at the results.. Pretty lame.

*** Pretend that there was a lame poll here that one person voted in *** (removed)

Yesterday the Calgary Flames beat the Edmonton Oilers sadly. Also, the leader of the Conservatives Stephen Harper is from Calgary. The twins, Tegan and Sara are also from Calgary I believe. I recently got Tegan and Sara's 2004 CD 'So Jealous' thinking that I had heard it before, but I hadn't and it has been almost knocking my socks off over the last couple days. Here the first song off the album. I don't know how to describe the sound, but I guess one could say it is often catchy.

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